2018 Sourdough Fly-in

The Largest Party in Port Alsworth and the Only one of its kind within Lake Clark National Park.  Grab your airplane and a friend, or grab a friend with an airplane and come on out to the annual Sourdough Fly-in.

Visit Sourdoughfly-in.com for details


Whether this is your first year joining us, or your 9th,
we’d like to welcome you to one of the biggest parties in Port Alsworth!

Use this weekend:
#UnlockingAlaska  &  #SourdoughFlyIn

May 26, 2018

9:00 am – 5K Race starts on LPA ramp. Prizes for Men, Women, Boy’s & Girls.
                    Scavenger Hunt starts and runs till 3pm tomorrow. Sign up on LPA ramp.
                    Guess How Many game at Freight Shed. Play till 3pm tomorrow.
12:30 pm – Flying Competition signup at Lake and Pen Air hangar. $5 buy-in fee.
                    Chulitna Lodge Food Truck available for lunch purchases at the Flying Comps start line.
Walking Taco Lunch Truck – Fundraiser for Uganda Mission Trip.
Bush Gil’s Bakery Food Truck – Fundraiser for Young Life Camp
1:00 pm – Flying Competitions start on runway AK51. Prizes for Shortest Take-off, Spot Landing & Pizza Drop.
3:30 pm – Kids & Adult Games on LPA ramp.
                    Bullseye Contest starts on Wilder’s driveway.
                    Sourdough Marketplace opens on LPA ramp – featuring local artists.
5:00 pm – Let the Eating, Dancin’ and Boogying commence!
                    BBQ Grill-Out starts on the LPA ramp – bring a side dish if you’d like. 
6:00 pm – Announce Winners: 5K, Bullseye & Flying Competition in LPA hanger.
                    Music continues till your feet are bleeding!

May 27, 2018

9:00 am – Pancake Breakfast at Tanalian Bible Camp. Donations and volunteers welcomed!
10:00 am – Lake Clark Bible Church starts in the Praiseanarium after breakfast. 
1:00 pm – Film Festival in LPA hanger! Submit your short film about Flying, Alaska, or The Great Outdoors to: lyle@lakeandpenair.com by May 20 to be eligible to win a prize. Films submitted after May 20 may be shown, but aren’t eligible to win.
3:00 pm – Announce Winners: Film Festival, Scavenger Hunt & Guess How Many game – in LPA hanger.
3:30 pm – Enjoy your flight home, have dinner at Chulitna Lodge, or stay a few more hours to Explore PTA!


The amazing 2018 Sourdough Fly-In sponsors:
There are four sponsorship levels: Supercub, Major Props, Top Gun, and The Kitchen Sink!
If your interested in being a sponsor email: laura@lakeandpenair.com
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